Well, it has come to the time of year that you may be looking around for “your next superstar physio” or whatever other cliched heading most of us clinic owners are using in our job ads these days.


I have decided to put together this little document which takes you through how I have been refining my interview process over the last 15 years at Scarborough Physio and Health. I find that this process takes a good amount of risk out of the hiring process and these days it is rare for me to hire the wrong physio when I take them through this process.


The Physio Interview Cheat Sheet is yours to download, for free – no email address or details needed. Download it by clicking on this link interview cheat sheet


Let me know what you think of it, feel free to get in touch, Nick@ultimatephysio.com.au . Any more hiring questions you have just get in touch or contact me on Facebook


Happy Hiring!



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